
Mechanical properties

Hard aggregates from metallurgical slag (EAF slag) present mechanical properties equal or higher than natural aggregates.

Measurements at Egnatia motorway

Measurements at Egnatia motorway

Asphalting the motorway P.A.THE

Asphalting the motorway P.A.THE

Test aggregates from slag

Test aggregates from slag

The main advantage of EAF slag aggregates is the excellent mechanical properties that fully satisfy both international and domestic specifications for incorporation into bituminous mixtures for skid resistant layers and surface treatments.

One of the main factors that determine the final quality of a highway is the use of proper aggregates in the final surfacing. The most common aggregate for this skid resistant course in EU is Electric Arc Furnace Slag.

The use of such aggregates for highway construction offers the advantage that newly constructed roads are of equivalent quality and safety with those of other European countries and contributes in the manufacturing of a safer road network. In a nutshell the advantages are

  1. High quality, hard aggregates
  2. Standardized products after careful selection
  3. Ecologically safe
  4. Proven capability
  5. Reliably available and
  6. Cost effective

Furthermore, when compared to natural aggregates, EAF slag aggregates present the advantage of quality stability and constant chemical composition since the raw material is produced during the controlled industrial process of steel manufacturing.
Tests have been carried out in public and private laboratories. Over 30 different bituminous mixture studies have been carried with AEIFOROS slag aggregates for the construction of hundreds of kilometers of motorways, highways and airfields in Greece.





BS 812/1989

Resistance to polishing (Polished Stone Value)

PSV > 60

BS 812/1990

Resistance to surface abrasion

AAV = 2


Resistance to fragmentation ( Los Angeles)



Health index


NFP 18572M

Resistance to wear  (MicroDeval)

MDE = 8%

BS 812/85

Shape of coarse aggregates (Flakiness Index)

FI = 5